When you own a vehicle that you drive, you may have questions about auto insurance, especially if you are a new driver or have just bought your first vehicle. If you are a resident of Niles, OH, you may have wondered, "Do I need auto Insurance"? At the Ruddy Insurance Group, we have years of insurance experience, and our focus is superior customer service. We are independent agents, which means we can offer you insurance products from the top carriers in the business, and we can offer the affordability you are looking for.
In Niles, OH, and all over the state of Ohio, you are mandated by law to carry liability insurance on your vehicle. You must carry at least $25,000 bodily damage per person and a total of $50,000 per accident. You must also have an additional $25,000 in property damage. This is the bare minimum that you must carry, and it doesn’t mean that it is the right amount for you if you have assets. If you have a loan on your vehicle, your lender will require that you carry additional insurance. Collision and comprehensive both protect the vehicle itself in the event you are fully or partially at fault.
Once your loan is paid off, you are not required to carry collision and comprehensive insurance. Just because it is not a requirement, it doesn’t mean that you should let it lapse. If you are like most people, you depend on your vehicle, and unless you have plenty of money to pay for repairs or replacement, it can be a real hardship to have to pay these expenses on your own.
When you are ready to sit down and discuss your auto insurance needs, Ruddy Insurance Group in Niles, OH is ready and waiting to help you out. Give us a call or stop by our office and let us find the right coverage for you.